Homework 05: Kernel Density Estimation#

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns; sns.set()
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os.path
import subprocess
import scipy.stats
from sklearn import neighbors, cluster

Helpers for Getting, Loading and Locating Data

def wget_data(url: str):
    local_path = './tmp_data'
    p = subprocess.Popen(["wget", "-nc", "-P", local_path, url], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='UTF-8')
    rc = None
    while rc is None:
      line = p.stderr.readline().strip('\n')
      if len(line) > 0:
      rc = p.poll()

def locate_data(name, check_exists=True):
    path = os.path.join(local_path, name)
    if check_exists and not os.path.exists(path):
        raise RuxntimeError('No such data file: {}'.format(path))
    return path
blobs_data = pd.read_hdf(locate_data('blobs_data.hf5'))

Problem 1#

A density estimator should provide a probability density function \(P(\vec{x})\) that is normalized over its feature space \(\vec{x}\) $\( \int d\vec{x}\, P(\vec{x}) = 1 \; . \)$ In this problem you will verify this normalization for KDE using two different numerical approaches for the integral.

First, implement the function below to accept a 1D KDE fit object and estimate its normalization integral using the trapezoid rule with the specified grid. Hint: the np.trapz function will be useful.

def check_grid_normalization(fit, xlo, xhi, ngrid):
    """Check 1D denstity estimator fit result normlization using grid quadrature.

    fit : neighbors.KernelDensity fit object
        Result of fit to 1D dataset.
    xlo : float
        Low edge of 1D integration range.
    xhi : float
        High edge of 1D integration range.
    ngrid : int
        Number of equally spaced grid points covering [xlo, xhi],
        including both end points.
    raise NotImplementedError()
# A correct solution should pass these tests.
fit = neighbors.KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=0.1).fit(blobs_data.drop(columns=['x1', 'x2']).values)
assert np.round(check_grid_normalization(fit, 0, 15, 5), 3) == 1.351
assert np.round(check_grid_normalization(fit, 0, 15, 10), 3) == 1.019
assert np.round(check_grid_normalization(fit, 0, 15, 20), 3) == 0.986
assert np.round(check_grid_normalization(fit, 0, 15, 100), 3) == 1.000

fit = neighbors.KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=0.1).fit(blobs_data.drop(columns=['x0', 'x2']).values)
assert np.round(check_grid_normalization(fit, -4, 12, 5), 3) == 1.108
assert np.round(check_grid_normalization(fit, -4, 12, 10), 3) == 0.993
assert np.round(check_grid_normalization(fit, -4, 12, 20), 3) == 0.971
assert np.round(check_grid_normalization(fit, -4, 12, 100), 3) == 1.000

fit = neighbors.KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=0.1).fit(blobs_data.drop(columns=['x0', 'x1']).values)
assert np.round(check_grid_normalization(fit, 2, 18, 5), 3) == 1.311
assert np.round(check_grid_normalization(fit, 2, 18, 10), 3) == 0.954
assert np.round(check_grid_normalization(fit, 2, 18, 20), 3) == 1.028
assert np.round(check_grid_normalization(fit, 2, 18, 100), 3) == 1.000

Next, implement the function below to estimate a multidimensional fit normalization using Monte Carlo integration: $\( \int d\vec{x}\, P(\vec{x}) \simeq \frac{V}{N_{mc}}\, \sum_{j=1}^{N_{mc}} P(\vec{x}_j) = V \langle P\rangle \; , \)\( where the \)\vec{x}_j\( are uniformly distributed over the integration domain and \)V\( is the integration domain volume. Note that `trapz` gives more accurate results for a fixed number of \)P(\vec{x})$ evaluations, but MC integration is much easier to generalize to higher dimensions.

def check_mc_normalization(fit, xlo, xhi, nmc, seed=123):
    """Check denstity estimator fit result normlization using MC integration.

    fit : neighbors.KernelDensity fit object
        Result of fit to arbitrary dataset of dimension D.
    xlo : array
        1D array of length D with low limits of integration domain along each dimension.
    xhi : array
        1D array of length D with high limits of integration domain along each dimension.
    nmc : int
        Number of random MC integration points within the domain to use.
    xlo = np.asarray(xlo)
    xhi = np.asarray(xhi)
    assert xlo.shape == xhi.shape
    assert np.all(xhi > xlo)
    D = len(xlo)
    gen = np.random.RandomState(seed=seed)
    # Use gen.uniform() in your solution, not gen.rand(), for consistent random numbers.
    raise NotImplementedError()
##### A correct solution should pass these tests.
fit = neighbors.KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=0.1).fit(blobs_data.drop(columns=['x1', 'x2']).values)
assert np.round(check_mc_normalization(fit, [0], [15], 10), 3) == 1.129
assert np.round(check_mc_normalization(fit, [0], [15], 100), 3) == 1.022
assert np.round(check_mc_normalization(fit, [0], [15], 1000), 3) == 1.010
assert np.round(check_mc_normalization(fit, [0], [15], 10000), 3) == 0.999

fit = neighbors.KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=0.1).fit(blobs_data.drop(columns=['x2']).values)
assert np.round(check_mc_normalization(fit, [0, -4], [15, 12], 10), 3) == 1.754
assert np.round(check_mc_normalization(fit, [0, -4], [15, 12], 100), 3) == 1.393
assert np.round(check_mc_normalization(fit, [0, -4], [15, 12], 1000), 3) == 0.924
assert np.round(check_mc_normalization(fit, [0, -4], [15, 12], 10000), 3) == 1.019

fit = neighbors.KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=0.1).fit(blobs_data.values)
assert np.round(check_mc_normalization(fit, [0, -4, 2], [15, 12, 18], 10), 3) == 2.797
assert np.round(check_mc_normalization(fit, [0, -4, 2], [15, 12, 18], 100), 3) == 0.613
assert np.round(check_mc_normalization(fit, [0, -4, 2], [15, 12, 18], 1000), 3) == 1.316
assert np.round(check_mc_normalization(fit, [0, -4, 2], [15, 12, 18], 10000), 3) == 1.139